REVISIT: Tortoise & Bonnie Prince Billy
So my lovefest for all things Bonnie Prince Billy isn't exactly a secret. However, it did take me an alarming number of listens to really get his collaboration with Tortoise. Maybe it's because it was covers and the words just weren't typical Will or something, but it never hit me until about a month ago. Late one night while working on a painting this track came on (random shuffle style) and it was absolutely perfect. So Oldham's trend of brilliance continues (at least in my mind).
::: Tortoise & Bonnie Prince Billy - Thunder Road (Bruce Springsteen Cover)
Buy the album at Insound and get 10% off your order if you enter the secret code "SpringGoodness" at checkout. Hooray for discounts.
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[Photo credits go to vinka and supernova.]
Labels: bonnie prince billy, mp3, music, tortoise, will oldham