SIX: GRR Related Remixes

It's true: a veritable flood of GRR-related remixes has been released. Special thanks to Sneakmove for facilitating most of this deluge. Sightings include Panther (GRR002), Copy (GRR003), Roman Ruins (GRR001), Meanest Man Contest (GRR003) in both duo and solo (Eriksolo & Quarterbar) form, and Lips 'n Ribs (GRRD03, forthcoming). (Side note: Arcade Fire is not associated with Gold Robot Records, but they are good.) Enjoy the sounds.
::: Panther - On The Lam (Copy Remix)
::: Panther - Puerto Rican Jukebox (Lips 'n Ribs Remix)
::: The Hidden Cameras - Doot Doot Ploot (Roman Ruins Remix)
::: Thee More Shallows - Night at the Knight School (MMC Remix)
::: Apes on Tapes - Catkilla (Eriksolo Remix)
::: Arcade Fire - Black Mirror (Quarterbar Remix)
(PS - Keep your eyes on the GRR website and your favorite digital music shops for a super secret remix CD coming out in the near future.)
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[Photo credit goes to guzzy123.]
Labels: apes on tapes, arcade fire, copy, eriksolo, lips and ribs, meanest man contest, mp3, music, panther, quarterbar, remix, roman ruins
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