Thursday, November 02, 2006

MUSIC: Beach House

There's a tone (autumn) and a color (orange) to the music of Beach House inside of my head; whereas this summer consisted of Brightblack Morning Light, a more yellow hue. These two oft-compared bands certainly share many similarities, but while Brightblack's songs tend to be more of a sonic experiment (where will it end up?) , Beach House takes care to craft exquisite tracks that progress in a less skewed manner. Take a listen.

::: Beach House - Apple Orchard
::: Beach House - Master of None
::: Beach House - Auburn and Ivory

Beach House is playing in San Francisco on November 14 at The Hemlock Tavern along with The Parish (Oakland) and Over The Atlantic (New Zealand). It's a Bay Area must-see, my friends.

By ordering through Insound, you can buy Beach House's self-titled release for 10% off by entering the code "pushingfall06" at checkout. Free shipping on orders over $30 as well.

[Beach House on myspace.]
[Buy music from Insound.]
[Find/Listen/Download music at The Hype Machine.]
[Photo credit goes to Redskynight.]